Sales is Time!

Looking to build your sales team & take the first step in "Buy Time" process? Jacob K. Mead proven sales track record can provide the skill set and understanding to your sales team & yourself. Increase revenue and stat buying back your time. This is the year to make it happen!

Understand Value

Helping you and your sales team understand the value of your company's product or service is my expertise. By leveraging innovative sales techniques and emphasizing the newfound value, I empower your sales team to confidently address objections and successfully close deals. Gone are the days of simply exchanging business cards or leaving potential clients with an open-ended invitation to contact them. Your sales team will be equipped to proactively close sales and drive business growth.

Strong Leadership

Start by doing a team evaluation. Is there people in your company who should not be there? What staff changes do you need to make so you have strong leadership? You will never be able to increase sales and buy time if you don't fully trust your team in place. Investing in your team will help them grow personally and professionally. My name is Jacob K. Mead and I made the mistake of keeping people on the team for the sake that it was easier! I will always admit this mistake, it taught me a valuable lesson about time.

Step Away

Once your strong team understands the value in the product or service your company provides. You will start the journey of stepping away. This will help build your teams confidence and in return you will see an increase in sales. You now have more time to focus on what you want. That could be working on your business vs working in it. It might be spending more time with loved ones or enjoying that hobby you loved and put aside for so many years.

Increase Sales! Buy Time!

Lets Work Together

Hi, Im Jacob K. Mead and I’m NOT the #1 sales guru or the best in the industry. There are several better out there, that even I look up too. I will never inflate numbers just to make myself sound better! My life is built around 2 simple things. Increasing sales to buy back time!